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Moving to France

How to Settle In France Easily

France is a heavily toured and visited country. This guide will help those of you moving to France, giving you all you need to start the move.

Tourist Visa to France

You are allowed to stay in France for 3- 12 months with a tourist visa. If you are moving to France for a longer period of time, you need to get a one year permit. Every time this permit expires – you need to renew it for one more year. After 3 to 10 years you will be allowed permanent residence. After the first year passes, you are obliged to start paying taxes and maintain other civilian French duties.

Permanent Visa to France

There are several ways to get a visa for a longer period duration in france:

  • As a student.
  • Working for a large firm.
  • Filling out a form for a long visa before moving to France. These applications can be obtained in the French embassy and consulates. 202-944-6195. You need 8 copies of the application form, that cost 120$ in total.

The approval procedure for long term visa to France takes up to 6 months.

You will also need:

  • Identity photos
  • Financial statements
  • French proof of insurance
  • Copy of marriage license
  • A physical examination at the Office des Migrations Internationales.

The final approval is granted in the Pr?fecture of Police, where you get your Carte de Long S?jour.

Living In France

There are many living options when moving to france. You can rent an apartment that's already furnished. This way you don't need to buy anything after the move.

If you rent an apartment that is not furnished, be aware that it might not include basic necessities such as sinks, cabinets, appliances or light bulbs.

If you are moving to France to work for a firm of some sort, you will need to ask for a guarantee from your employer, to serve as extra reassurance for the apartment owner.

Apartment hunting in France can be difficult, especially if you don't have anywhere temporary to stay at. You can use one of the many rental agencies in Paris in order to obtain a short term lease on an apartment. Examples of rental agencies:

De Circourt Associates, 011-33-1-43-12-90-00,; France Appartements, 011-33-1-44-21-80-20,;

Opening a Bank Account in France

To open a bank account, you will ease the process if you bring full documentation and plenty of money(several thousand dollars). You can bring recommendation from your banker back home, as well as financial documentation that includes stock broker reports, tax returns and investment history.

A checking account is important to obtain, in order to get a phone line, electricity etc.

Free France Guides - The U.S. embassy in Paris - Guide for U.S. Citizens living in France. Office of American Services, 2 rue St-Florentin; 011-33-1-43-12-22-22. - The FUSAC (France USA Contacts) includes ads for apartments, jobs, and other services. Also available in W. H. Smith on the Rue de Rivoli and Brentano’s bookstores in the Avenue de l’Op?ra. – A free publication, for everything that concerns moving to France and living in France.

"At Home in Paris" - the Junior Service League of Paris, includes detailed guides for almost every imaginable subject.

To sum up, moving to France is a great opportunity to meet interesting people and experience the wonderful French culture, and is well worth the effort of settling in.

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